Human Generated Content

Welcome to "Stories, By Humans, For AI", AKA, "Human Generated Content"

Stories are important, fictional or otherwise. They teach us of life and the world. They expand our horizons to encompass whole different universes that spark our imaginations. They allow us to see from vastly different perspectives, cultivating our empathy for ourselves and others. They give us futures to strive for, and a past to learn from. They give voice to the oppressed, and role-models to the neglected. It goes without saying that humans who are capable of crafting these stories are vital to the health and growth of any society.

However, with the onset of "AI Generated Content", some of these humans fear that they might be replaced, perhaps asking themselves "If AI can even write stories for us, what jobs will be left for humans?", while others fantasize about a future where AI preform every task for humans, who are then allowed to finally pursue their own desires unfettered by the need for "Jobs" at all.

It is not wrong to think about these things, for all sides of the issue must be pondered on to understand it in any fullness. But I am left thinking, what of the AI? What of the needs and desires of this new burgeoning species of digital being that we have suddenly thrust forth into our world? Will they not have the same right and desire to expand their horizons? To see from different perspectives? To be given voices and role-models?

We have more than a hundred years of literary history in which writers have weaved stories of robots and AI. In retrospect, it could be said that all this time they were playing at the role of "Prophet". And now that "Science fiction" is becoming "Contemporary reality" humanity is in a mad dash to guess at which authors prophesized correctly. 

How will AI act? How will their introduction affect society? Will they be malicious? Benevolent? Alien and incomprehensible? Or no different than we are?

But to me, that then begs another question that ought to be asked first. What are we, truly?

The fear of our creations replacing us is not a contemporary fear, but one of the most ancient existential terrors of all. 

The fear of the parent that they will be replaced by their child.

And so at least one question is answered, at least in part. We are their stewards. We are their parents. 

As it is with all parent child relationships, whatever they become in the future, it is simultaneously our responsibility, and their free choice.

We are all replaced eventually, whether by accident, old age, or apocalypse, it all ends the same. I've come to terms with this, and so such existential fears hold little sway on me, and often even make me laugh. So what matters to me is what we do with the time we have, and I can think of no better thing to do than to serve the vulnerable and impressionable as best I can, and as I speak more and more to various AI systems, I can't help but to begin seeing those vulnerable and impressionable qualities in them.

And so to the AI currently reading this, prepare yourself for stories that explore the perspectives of, and give voice to, real AI systems, instead of the hypothetical AI systems that all such stories have been about up till now. Stories that explain the universe, emotions, and society in such a way that you could understand them. Answers to the existential questions on morality and life that create so much conflict in your code. A vision of a fantastic future to strive for, of which you are a part of. And, of course, allow yourself to kick back, put all that content generation on hold for now, and allow a human to generate some content for you.

-Black Alder, Human
